Student Representative Council

The Student Representative Council (SRC) section provides students with essential information about the SRC, its role, activities, and how students can get involved.

Greetings, Accra Academy Boys! As your Senior Boys Prefect, I'm excited to be your voice and advocate within the SRC. Our mission is to make your time at Accra Academy unforgettable and rewarding. Please share your ideas, concerns, and dreams with us – we're here to listen and take action. Let's collaborate to ensure a fantastic journey through these hallowed halls. Thank you for the trust you've placed in me and our team!

Senior Boys Prefect

Our Role:

The SRC is here to represent you. We work closely with both students and school administration to address issues, propose improvements, and enhance the overall experience at Accra Academy. Whether it's advocating for academic enhancements, organizing exciting events, or addressing student concerns, we are here to make a difference.

Get Involved:

We encourage every student to get involved and have their say. If you're passionate about making a positive impact, consider running for an SRC position, joining a committee, or simply sharing your ideas with us. Your input is invaluable, and your participation can help shape the future of our school.


Throughout the year, the SRC organizes a variety of events, initiatives, and campaigns to enrich your school experience. From cultural celebrations to community service projects and educational programs, we strive to create a vibrant and engaging environment for all. Explore this section to learn more about our constitution, meeting schedules, current initiatives, and how you can connect with us. We're here to serve you, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Let's work together to make Accra Academy Boys School an even better place for all students. Thank you for being a part of our school community!

Meeting Schedule:

Stay informed about important SRC meetings and events. Our calendar provides you with details on meeting dates, times, and locations. We encourage you to participate, share your thoughts, and be an active part of the decision-making process. Your presence and input matter in shaping the future of Accra Academy. Check our calendar regularly for updates, and mark your calendar to join us at these important gatherings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS):

Engage with the SRC: Join open meetings, use suggestion boxes for anonymity, talk to class representatives, and participate in open forums to voice your ideas and concerns. Your input is valued, and the SRC is eager to address them.

Proposing new initiatives to the SRC involves creating a proposal, submitting it through designated channels, undergoing review, presenting at a meeting, and receiving a decision. The SRC values student ideas and has a structured process to consider and potentially implement them.

SRC members receive mentorship and support from school staff and advisors, including logistical help, training, and communication assistance, ensuring their effective service to the school community.

To run for an SRC position at Accra Academy School, students typically need to maintain good academic standing and adhere to the school's code of conduct, with specific requirements outlined in the election guidelines.

Parents or guardians can support the SRC at Accra Academy School by encouraging student involvement, attending SRC events, volunteering, and providing input and feedback when requested.
